1:1 somatic therapy for women

For the women who are stuck in busy, stuck in anger, stuck in overwhelm, or stuck in indecision, but know there is more available to them.

There is another path.

Let’s work together so that the life you want to create for yourself feels like an invitation rather than a dream.


  • You may have been on a therapeutic journey, or your healing has become

  • more pressing since becoming a mother. You want to be present, look

  • forward to spending time with your children, connect with your partner

  • as a parent and intimately, but there is something stopping you.

  • It’s as if the life you know you could be living is a few feet away from you

  • but for some reason you can’t access it. This somatic healing program,

  • starting with 6-sessions, is for you.

  • For you to:

    • Become familiar with your nervous system, and how it communicates

    • with you.

    • Invite healing into the wounds and parts of you that feel unsafe,

    • blocked, or stuck

    • Begin to experience a shift in perspective or experience of living

    • Integrate healing practices into your life, in a manageable mum-

    • friendly way

    • From £570


  • Pregnancy can be a time of great joy, and great turmoil. You may have

  • been pregnant before, experienced loss, feel fear about the future, have

  • been on a long road to get here, or be experiencing physical discomfort.

  • This 6 or 12 week somatic exploration program combines somatic healing,

  • with personal exploration around what is arising through your pregnancy.

  • It is for the woman who seeks clarity, and alignment to personal power in

  • the lead up to her birth.

  • Over the course of the program, you will:

    • Become more familiar with the felt difference between your

    • inner guidance (intuition) and your fear

    • Feel more connected to the decisions that you want to make from a

    • position of truth, rather than guided by external people or factors

    • Notice some coherence and flexibility in your nervous system

    • From £450

More on Somatic Healing

‘Soma’ refers to the body.

I work with an intention based approach, in which I support women in connecting to their body, and becoming attuned to their felt sense experience. This is a ‘language’ of the body, alongside thoughts and emotions.

The felt sense experience is the oldest sense of the body, and when we become attuned to it, we are able to receive information about what feels right for us, where our boundaries are, and what we need in order to flourish and thrive.

My work is principally guided by the Focalizing modality, and combined with lived experience and meditation practices.

Working somatically, and towards embodiment, is to work with your innate wisdom and intelligence of the body. Your body is the guide in our sessions together, I am there as the lighthouse for you to orient to, as needed.

If somatic or embodiment work is new for you, I want you to know that we work at your pace, at your bodies pace. I meet you where you are at.

Whether your goal is to get to know your body better, feel better, or revolutionise your life, somatic therapy can be supportive in resolving the challenges and barriers you are experiencing.

Somatic healing is not linear, logical, or rational - those are not terms of the body. While this can be challenging when we want to understand or make meaning of what is happening, understanding comes with experiencing the wisdom and innate healing abilities of your body.

What’s different about somatic therapy

Somatic therapy, resolves the deep-rooted barriers that prevent you from living your fullest expression of life, and joy.

We work with the body, where our oldest experiences are held - the experiences to which we may not even have a cognitive memory or story attached.

Through allowing the body to guide the practice, we bring experiences and beliefs held by the body to resolution. Dissolving the barriers to ease, freedom, and joy.

We invite space for safety, and connection, to foster a true sense of belonging and of knowing who we are, beneath all the layers of conditioning and experience.

The body holds innate healing abilities, and through somatic therapy, we give space to these.

The practice




Every session begins with us supportively clarifying your intentions for the session, which, as life shifts, may deviate from the initial reason you chose to come to somatic therapy.

Intentions are a powerful guide for a session that is, thereafter, led by your body.

You may notice that there is a noticeable shift in energy purely by setting the intention for putting time aside for yourself to attend a therapy session each week.

Resource refers to anything that provides us with energy and clarity. The very nature of trauma means that there are times in our lives where we feel under-resourced.

Together we explore what you find resourceful, and allow resource to provide energy to work with some of the more challenging or deeper held barriers to joy.

Somatic work is ancient, but in many ways, an emerging modality. With much of western ideology having slowly removed us from our felt sense experience, many will be coming to this work is a ‘beginner’.

You will be fully supported and guided at all times through this therapeutic experience, in which your safety and energetic capacity is always at the forefront.

Working 1:1 FAQs

  • You can complete an application form by pressing one of the two buttons on this page, or at the bottom of the 'about' page.

    Within 5 working days of your application, I will respond via email, in most cases inviting you to join me for a connection call where we can further assess our alignment in working together.

  • Initial investment: £570 for 6-sessions. You may choose to have further sessions which are £95 per session.

    If you self-identify as low income, I offer a low income space once every two months where 6-sessions are £450 and subsequent sessions are £75.

  • There is no one-size-fits all, and for some this work may be on-going. 6-weeks supports the development of a therapeutic alliance, the space and safety for your nervous system to experience some level of regulation and flexibility, and some on-going practice that you can take away and use within your life. 

    It will be for you to feel whether you would like to extend the work beyond the 6-sessions. This is something we can explore together.

  • Every individual brings a unique process and lived experience. While it’s impossible to give tangible change that you will personally access there are some things that I will focus on with every client. 

    • Experiencing and expanding capacity for joy.

    • A recognition of what ‘safe’ feels like in the body. 

    • A spaciousness or flow within the body and in relation to certain aspects of life.

    • A greater understanding of the language of your felt sense experience, and therefore a greater knowing and awareness of yourself.

  • I work online, on Zoom. Sessions are one hour long. The recommendation is that you are available to join the session from a space which you are unlikely to be disturbed, and feel comfortable.

  • I cannot directly answer that question for you. 

    Through a connection call, we will be able to explore if Somatic Therapy is the most appropriate support for you right now. 

    From there, it’s really for me to say that you’re not broken, and there are no quick fixes. In this work, we create intentional space for resolution and healing. There is not necessarily an ‘end’ to that, but there is an opportunity to integrate that into your way of being and living when you move beyond the intentionally held space of a session. We work towards that.

  • I work within a model of 3-weekly sessions, followed by an integration week. So as long as there is space open, I start with new clients at the beginning of each 3-week block. 

    If I am fully booked, I have a waiting list, and depending on how long that is and what your needs are we can discuss your options together.